Couples Portrait Photographers

Family portraits are important now more than ever. In our world of fast-paced busy lives, filled with camera phones and selfies, we often fall short of documenting our precious milestones for future generations to treasure.

Family portraiture is a great way to capture the story of your family’s life. From newly engaged couples in love to parents holding their newborns with pride and every milestone in between, family portraiture is the art that tells your story.

Couples Photography Houston

Over the years, Lisa and I have photographed couples from their engagement sessions and weddings, to their first borns to their children’s senior portraits, and to their 25th wedding anniversaries. Imagine being able to share those precious milestones with your children and grandchildren for years to come through family portraiture.

That’s why Lisa and I connect with our clients to understand the essence of their family. We guide families through the family portraiture process every step of the way, beginning with what to wear.

Couples Photography Houston

The Benefits of Studio Portraiture

Attire plays a key role in creating the perfect formal portrait as does the environment where the session is taken. At Michael Carr Photography, we are seasoned professional portrait artists to address special requests. But, there are benefits to studio portraiture verse outdoor portraiture.

As we know, Houston weather is highly unpredictable and humid. Studio portraiture eliminates the concerns for weather conditions. Rain or shine, cold or heat, you will always look great in a climate controlled environment with calculated lighting and custom backgrounds. Plus, our commercial studio has a dressing room and access to restrooms.

French Bull Dogs Family Photography Houston

About Michael Carr Photography

Michael and Lisa Carr are full time portrait artist specializing in creative and timeless family portraits both in black and white and color mediums. We offer environmental family portraits, at home portrait sessions in the Houston area, as well as in studio portraits. Michael Carr Photography is a full service portrait studio. What this means to you is that we complete your portrait from the beginning to the finished phases: conception, capture and full artist embellishments to your final wall portraits. To learn more about our studio and portrait photography for your individual portraits and family portraits, visit here or call 713-461-2862.